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PreKindergarten & Early Childhood
George Mather Forbes School No. 4
John Williams School No. 5
OACES Office of Adult & Career Education Services
Virgil I. Grissom School No. 7
Roberto Clemente School No. 8
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. School No. 9
Anna Murray Douglass Academy School No. 12
The Children's School of Rochester No. 15
Dr. David & Ruth Anderson Academy No. 16
Enrico Fermi School No. 17
Dr. Charles T. Lunsford School No. 19
Abraham Lincoln School No. 22
Francis Parker School No. 23
Nathaniel Hawthorne School No. 25
Henry Hudson School No. 28
Audubon School No. 33
Ida B. Wells-Barnett Elementary School
Pinnacle School No. 35
Abelard Reynolds School No. 42
Mary McLeod Bethune School No. 45
Austin Steward Elementary School No. 46
Helen Barrett Montgomery School No. 50
Frank Fowler Dow School No. 52
Montessori Academy School No. 53
The Flower City School No. 54
World of Inquiry School No. 58
All City High
Early College International High School
East Upper & Lower Schools
Edison Career and Technology High School
Padilla High School at the Franklin Campus
James Monroe High School
Joseph C. Wilson Magnet High School
Northwest Middle School at Douglass Campus
Rochester International Academy
School of the Arts
School Without Walls Commencement Academy
Home / Hospital Instruction
Youth and Justice Programs
Department of Bilingual Education & World Languages
Special Education
School Library System
Student Support Services
Virtual Academy of Rochester
Summer Learning
Dr. Freddie Thomas Middle School
Andrew Langston Middle School
Loretta Johnson Middle School
Thurgood Marshall Middle School
Florence S. Brown PreK Center at School No. 33
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About Flower City School
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Vision and Mission
School Improvement Plan
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Grade Level Academics
Social Studies
Barber, M (5th Grade - Girls)
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Library / Media Center
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Computer Science
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PowerSchool Parent Portal
School-Based Planning
Parent/Student Handbook
Parent/Student Compact 2024-25
Monthly Newsletter
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PK3 -
PK4 - Mrs. Barber
K - Mrs. Plummer
K - Mrs. Wright
1st 12:1:1 - Mrs. Warren
1 - Mrs. Keene
1- Mrs. Lansdowne
2- 12:1:1 - Mrs. Sypnier
2 - Mrs. O'Brien
2 - Mrs. Paige
4 - Mrs. Jones
3 - Mrs. Pierce
3 - Mrs. Ortiz
4 - Mr. Shanley
5 - Mrs. Ferris
5 - Mr. Young
6 - Mr. Cole
6 - Mr. Cox
ESOL - Mrs. Santillo
Instructional Coach - Mr. Wylie
Intervention - Mrs. Hilbert
Reading Specialist - Mrs. Wylie
Art - Mrs. Lattuca
Library - Mrs. Lee
Music - Mr. Arenz
Music - Mrs. Kubitz
PE - Mrs. Thierry
Parents & Students
1 - Mrs. Keene
Page Navigation
What's Happening in Second Grade?
Classroom Documents
Great Links
Important Dates
2015-2016 Classroom Photos
We are Scientists
Pumpkin Investigation
Parts of a Pumpkin
Books and Blankets
American Symbols
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Life Cycles
100th Day of School
The Flower City School No. 54
Great Links