Our Goals at Flower City School No. 54
In support of our school’s mission of achievement, fostering the highest levels of academic performance, supporting manageable, effective learning environments that are safe, inclusive, differentiated and student centered, our goals include:Addressing Literacy: Our students will engage in the writers' workshop model and our teachers and students will utilize writing rubrics to guide meaningful teaching and learning. By doing this, our students will improve their writing skills because everyone will have a clear understanding of key writing elements.
Addressing Math: Our teachers will use the math workshop model and teachers and students will engage with academic discourse rubrics when solving word problems. By doing this, our students will have the needed tools to carry on conversations themselves. By engaging in productive talk, students will have more time to collaborate with others and gain a better understanding of solving word problems.
Addressing Academic Culture: We aim to create classroom learning opportunities and school-wide culminating events that are co-designed with students, for students to apply their learning and celebrate their success. By doing this, our students will apply learned skills, celebrate as a school-wide community, and build their capacity as leaders. We will then see our average daily attendance increase because students are given opportunities to learn about their "self" and responsibility to learning.
To view our school's current school improvement plan, please visit the district's main website.