We are fortunate to have Primary Project at the Flower City School No. 54. Primary Project is a national program of Children's Institute that helps primary grade children get the maximum benefit from their school experience. Children are recommended by their teachers, parents and other school staff. The program is designed for kids who are shy, withdrawn, anxious or who may exhibit some mild behavior concerns. We meet with children 30 -40 minutes a week on a one on one basis. Children love the child led and individual attention that they receive from our specially trained child associate. All of our child associates are specially trained by Children’s Institute to help support children’s social and emotional development through play. For more information please contact Shlon Walker, Audrey Bell or Vernetta Brown.
You can also visit www.childrensinstitute.net/programs/primary-project to learn more about Primary Project
For more information please contact Audrey Bell, Vernetta Brown or Shlon Walker.