MissionWe are a caring and supportive community. We recognize that students are individuals, and foster growth toward academic excellence and social/emotional well-being so that they can successfully meet life's challenges, beyond high school.VisionThe following vision was developed by the student body and faculty in 2006.
At School Without Walls,
We're tearing down the walls that limit learning, brick by brick,
and building up the foundations of success, person by person.
We're developing the personal and academic skills we need to be lifelong explorers,
learners, and problem solvers.
We're creating innovative classes that reflect students, interests, combine subjects and connect
us to the city and its resources.
We’re establishing supportive, meaningful, personalized relationships among
all members of the school community.
We’re working to improve our communities, living by democratic values and being active citizens.
We’re sharing the power to make decisions that affect our classes and our school.
We’re striking a balance between our individual freedoms and our communities’ needs.
We’re improving our mental and physical health.
We’re becoming responsible, reflective, and self-directed.
We’re strengthening our own unique identities and our understanding of others.
We’re discovering the liberating force of growing towards our dreams by learning without walls.