Resources for ENL Teachers
*Click on the title of each resource to access*
A great printable resource for supporting ELLs in the classroom.
guidance documents to address the Common Core Learning Standards, 5 levels of language development, the linguistic demands required and suggestions
on how to address them.
Targets of Measurement
Free and printable glossaries organized by grade level, content, and language.
A pdf document with protocols for checking for understanding, ongoing assessment, and vocabulary building, to name a few.
Resource guide for ELA and Math through EngageNY
BUZZ (formerly eLearning)
Rochester City School District Curriculum for ELA*, Math, Science and Social Studies. *ELA has suggesNed scaffolds for English language learners.
A central site with links to many resources for educating and supporting students, families, and teachers.
Link to letters to inform parents of ELL support for their children in multiple languages.