• Home Language Supports

    Creation of Required Home Language Supports in Lieu of Bilingual Programs in the Qualifying Home Languages

    The Commissioners Regulation Part #154 dictates that if a district has 20 students or more of the same Home Language enrolled in the same grade at the district level, the school district must provide a bilingual program for these students. If unable to provide a bilingual program, the district must apply for a one-year waiver and provide these groups of ELL students with Home Language supports. Based on the current ELL enrollment data the RCSD should be providing a bilingual program for three language groups: Arabic, Nepali, and Somali.

    Home language support will be utilized as instructional assets, and using them in bridging prior knowledge to new knowledge while ensuring that content is meaningful and comprehensible.

    Using the home language and culture of ELLs promotes diversity and inclusiveness as mentioned in the Dignity for All Students Act (NYS initiative, effective July 2013).

    For more information, please contact our office at 585-262-8234.