**First and foremost we are asking that students leave these items at home.**
Cell Phones:
Cell phones cannot be used during the instructional school day. This includes lunch and recess.
Cell phones cannot be stored on a student’s person (body).
Cell phones must be turned off and stored away in a student’s backpack or jacket/coat.
Students are responsible for the location and usage of their own cell phones.
If a cell phone is visible during the instructional day, the following steps will be taken:
First Infraction: Verbal warning to the student.
Second Infraction: The cell phone will be confiscated (parent notification will occur) and returned to the student at the end of the school day.
Third Infraction: The cell phone will be confiscated and returned during a parent meeting with administration.
Electronic Devices:
The Rochester City School District prohibits the use of electronic devices by students in our schools that violate the Code of Conduct. These devices include, but are not limited to: cell phones, smartwatches, i-pods, mp3 players, and video games (Code of Conduct - Section 5300.03).
In the event that a student brings one of these banned items to school,
The items must be turned in to the teacher upon entering the classroom.
The item will be locked away securely in the classroom.
The item will be returned to the student at the end of the day.
The student will be reminded to keep these items at home.
If a student does not turn in their electronic device, an administrator will be notified to address the situation. Parents will be notified that they must come to the school to pick the device up.