School Visitor Procedures
- The safety of students and staff is the District’s and school’s top priority. We want to make visits to our school building pleasant and welcoming experiences in a safe environment for everyone, in accordance with Board of Education Policy 5300.65.
- The school’s main entrance will serve as the single point of entry for all visitors.
- Visitors must report immediately to the Main Office to sign in and present photo identification to obtain a visitor’s pass.
- Our school uses the "Raptor Visitor Management System," which is an online tool that enhances school security by screening and registering every campus visitor. The system works by reading a visitor's driver's license (or other approved government-issued ID) and comparing it to a database that contains registered sex offenders in all 50 states. Once cleared through the system, a visitor badge is produced that includes a photo, name of the visitor, date, time, and destination in the building.
- Visitors attending school functions that are open to the public, such as parent-teacher organization meetings or public gatherings, are not required to sign in at the Main Office.
Teachers are not expected to discuss individual matters with visitors during class time.
- Students and staff may not open doors for any person at any time.
- Parents or citizens who wish to observe a classroom while school is in session are required to arrange such visits in advance with the classroom teacher(s), with final approval by the Principal, so that class disruption is kept to a minimum. Advanced arrangements can include an email, a mailed letter, or a phone call which notifies the school employee of the exact day and time you are requesting to visit.
School employees who are expecting a visitor must notify Main Office staff ahead of the visit.
All visitors are expected to abide by the rules for public conduct on school property contained in this code of conduct; and any additional rules or regulations imposed from time to time in connection with emergencies declared by District, City, County or State officials for any reason; or relating to alerts issued by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
Any unauthorized person on school property will be reported to the Principal or his or her designee. Unauthorized or disorderly persons will be asked to leave and must do so immediately. Refusal to leave will result in police intervention.