Quia Language Games
This website covers a wide variety of language skills, such as inferncing, synonyms/antonyms, categories, pronouns, main idea, grammar, etc. all through game based activities likes Jeopardy, Matching, and Battleship. Students often request to play these games during their therapy sessions!
Day By Day
Every day a new story (video recorded), song, and activity are posted. You and your child will have a story to share together online every day of the year!
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA)
ASHA is the national professional association for Speech Language Pathologists and Audiologists.
Speaking Of Speech
This link contains materials that can be used to practice a variety of speech/langauge skills at home (articulation, language, vocabulary, fluency, social skills, etc.)
Wacky Web Tales
Practice parts of speech and basic categories while creating a fun story.
This link can also be used to practice articulation by including words that contain your child's target sound. For example, you may be asked to name a color. If your child is targeting /l/ during speech/langauge therapy, insert a word such as yellow or blue.