    Dress Code
    There is an expectation that students will dress in appropriate attire and will adhere to the Uniform Policy.
    • Pants must be waist high and proper fitting, with no underwear showing.
    • Hats, visors, bandanas, headbands & sunglasses cannot be worn in school.
    • Jackets are not worn in class.
    • Purses (back-pack type included) cannot be carried or worn around the building by students.
    • Bare midriffs, spaghetti straps, tube tops, plunging necklines, see-through fabrics, shorts shorts, etc. are not allowed.
    • Gang symbols or colors, or clothing that promotes or glorifies gangs, sex or weapons are not allowed.
    • Expensive or distracting jewelry should not be worn.
    • Perfumes or colognes cause allergy problems for classmates.
    Thank you for your support and cooperation with this.