The Elementary Art classroom at World of Inquiry School is an active art studio space, providing the opportunity for 320 bright, creative and eager artists to express their thoughts and emotions while brandishing oil pastels and paint brushes. Creativity and personal expression is at play!
The youngest kindergarten student is encouraged to seek adventures of the imagination. Where will our magical flying carpets take us today? Students build skills as artists, understanding that artistic ideas may stem from the imagination, from memory, or from observation of the world. As these young artists mature and develop a singular vision, additional emphasis is placed on realism. The primary focus is for each child to develop his/her own "artistic eye".What is the role of the artist in society? Well, in the words of the students, an artist is someone who, "puts their feelings into their work" and "has a mind of their own". Once the artist has created new work, he/she might choose to "share the beauty with others".Art is visual poetry. Don't be surprised when a student tells you that we are busy "listening to the sound of the sun".Jackie Ferris, Art Teacher
Email Address: jacqueline.ferris@rcsdk12.org
World of Inquiry School 58/Franklin Campus
Phone number: 585-325-6170
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