• Mary McLeod Bethune School #45

    SCET Meeting Minutes

    January 26, 2015


    Amy Shema, Mike Boehm, Heather Belanger, David Mendez, Rhonda Morien, Cheryl Wheeler, Paul Clark, Steven Humphrey, Dwayne Mahoney

    Next meeting:

    February 23rd, 3:40 pm


    Agenda Items:

    Receivership Quarterly Report (2nd Quarter)

    Review of Level 1 and Level 2 Indicators

    School Progress during 2nd Quarter

    ·       Winter Benchmark Data K-8 Growth – NWEA, AIMSweb, Phonics Screener, Phonemic Awareness Screener, DRA, QRI

    ·       Data Meetings to determine student goals and small group instruction

    ·       Approximately 65% teachers have data walls, data binders all classes 7-8

    ·       All students in school set NWEA goals for Winter Benchmark

    ·       Grades 7-8 Progress Report Conferences and Mailed Home (Fall-80 students failing, Winter-63 failing with 3 F’s or more)

    ·       Girls Group in partnership with Boys and Girls for 8th grade girls meet 3 times a week. 

    ·       ATS/Reconnect fully implemented with Restorative Practices. 

    ·       Advisory 5 day cycle (Peace Circles, Data Binders, Leadership, Independent Reading, Flex Day)

    ·       Eagles Nest for grades K-6 began in January, led by student council students in grades 7-8. 

    ·       7 Habits being rolled out in grades K-6, all habits will be introduced by March

    ·       ASD 7th grade leadership with 1st grade art enrichment class

    ·       Food Drive for 31 families

    ·       Referral rate has decreased since beginning of school year

    ·       Math support in grades 3-7 classroom at least 3 times a week for 45 minutes

    ·       Afterschool Math and Science Program Mondays and Tuesdays

    ·       Partnership updates – Boys and Girls, Center for Youth, Memorial Art Gallery

    ·       Family Engagement – Open House, Bingo for Books, Monthly Parent Workshops, Weekly Robo Calls, Post daily attendance – absences, late arrival and early pick-up

    February 23, 2016


    Amy Shema, Taylor Harding, Willie Wright, Heather Belanger, Mike Boehm, Rhonda Morien, Eric Kittles

    Next meeting:



    Agenda Items:

    Community Model School - Discussion of ways to make school more accessible for families and community agencies

    Ideas include –

    Cost of custodial staff may be a deterrent to some organizations

    Breath of Life church – comprehensive health program, program called New Start – nutrition, exercise through workshops and information

    Service on Saturdays – 11 am

    Juneteenth – festival for African Americans geared towards youth, booth there with free massages

    Financial Peace University – money management, offer seminar for free

    Internet access for students, access to computers

    System for students to take technology home and back

    Parishioners – volunteers in classrooms


    Sports Programs – basketball, football, etc

    Boys and Girls Club – Bitty Basketball team, contact Reggie Smith

    Reach out to Local Businesses– Savoia Bakery, etc.

    Childcare during events – babysitting certification for 7-8 graders, small stipend

    Foodlink – workshops 8 week cooking program with kids

    Teen Entrepreneurship - “Rent a Kid”


    Action Items –

    Develop Plan for Next Year – Community After School Programming

    Determine Custodial Cost for After School Events

    Mary McLeod Bethune School #45

    SCET Meeting Minutes

    March 7, 2017


    Heather Belanger, Luiz Zarate, Chris Cuby, Steve Humphrey, Eric Kittles, Patricia Britt

    Next meeting:

    April 4, 2017


    Agenda Items/Minutes:

    1.     Understanding School Vision, Mission, Instructional Priorities.

    How did you implement this in your lessons/curriculum/program this month?

        Boys & Girls – Heather and Eric will create a guide that highlights how Boys & Girls programming          aligns with vision, mission and instructional priorities, programming includes opportunities for       community service, Boy’s Group and Girls Group focused on leadership

                      ROOTS – data has been compiled regarding programming, most recent look at triggers and how to     deescalate situations in grades 5-8, focus on preparing 8th graders for HS and summer youth program       opportunities and application process

    2.     Partnership monthly meeting overview

    Partnership Updates

        Boys & Girls – 532 AR books read with quizzes, will show and display data on boards, highlight students who are at top of reading class, recruiting for Bitty Basketball team as part of program, Family AR night will be scheduled for some time in March, suggestion to reach out to Barnes & Noble for donations and/or field trip, March 31st talent showcase after school for 4-8 for cash prize, Air Brush and Go Kart program starting this month, District SW on site T/TH for mediation, counseling, etc.

    ·       Create opportunities for Partners to visit each other

    What will partnership collaboration look like next year?

    Weekly partner push-in rotation plan


    3.     Discuss Quarterly Report / Update

    ·       Needs and Asset Survey graph/growth

    ·      Community Night Planning

    ·       State Review for Tenet 6 Upcoming in May

    ·       Share community services referral form with Boys and Girls staff



    4.     Additional Items/ Discussion

    ·       Lowe’s Representative shared different programs and opportunities to partner - Lowe’s Hero’s Program, Women’s Leadership Program – programming/mentorship that includes students and leaders at Lowe’s, Give Back Time (8 hours of paid volunteer time) may include light construction, etc., Look into creating a brochure highlighting volunteer opportunities here at #45, school within Buffalo to establish contact with as well

    ·       Crisis as an Opportunity PD to be rescheduled – look into time when B & G could participate on Conference Day or ½ day

    ·       Look into Community service opportunities with Church (clothing drive, etc.)

    ·       Schedule and plan Community Night for April 24th 5pm-7pm