• Blossoming Readers 

    Blossoming Readers is an RTI reading intervention program for second and third graders.  The students participate in differentiated lessons that accelerate their reading progress.  They also work to increase their reading stamina and improve their abilities to talk about books. 

    We use songs and poems to teach reading strategies such as sight word recognition and Cafe strategies. Daily individual conferences promote the understanding of reading strategies and provide the students with a strategy to work on while independently reading.  Children are held accountable for working on their strategies and demonstrating the skill to move on to other strategies.  Daily reading at home is required with parental participation through the signing of a daily log.  Steps are earned for 15-20 minutes of reading books at their just-right level.  Share time, in the end, allows the children to talk about the use of the strategy as well as share in new vocabulary that was learned.

    The star word list is used as an assessment with the children that struggle with sight words in the beginning.  We used the benchmark assessment each marking period to get scores, or we administer them when we feel like the child has made significant growth.  At the beginning of the year, we used assessments from the Fountas and Pinnell DRA Word Analysis Tasks to individualize the skill the children were struggling with
    Also, the Blossoming Readers program available in Spanish.

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