• The ESOL teaching staff works with children who are learning English as a second language.  Most of the children the ESOL staff works with have developed literacy skills in their native (or first) language and now need the same skills as their English speaking peers to compete in all academic areas.  Levels that are taught are "newcomers" (students newly arriving in the United States) who need the most basic communicative skills, to advanced speakers who engage in intense reading and writing workshops to promote their academic success.

    English as a Second Language (ESOL):

    All students identified as English Language Learners receive ESOL instruction. These students include participants in the bilingual program as well as students enrolled in our general education program. ESOL teachers utilize two main approaches to ensure student’s success in the academic subjects in English. The pull-out model is used with students at the beginning and early intermediate levels of English proficiency. This model introduces students to basic components of second language learning usually in small group sessions. The push-in model is used with students at the intermediate and advanced levels of English proficiency. In this model, the ESOL teacher works in collaboration with the classroom teachers to help students succeed in completing academic tasks negotiating a thorough understanding of the reading and writing components of the English Language.

    Families and communities are always welcome to visit and learn about these great programs.