• P.T.O Meeting Minutes



    ·         Called to order @ 5:36.

    ·         Those present: 9 Parents & 3 Teachers

    ·         Next Meeting Nov. 7th @ 5:00-6:00

    New Officers Voted In:

    Co-Presidents: Katherine Hizer & Ray Durant

    Secretary: Mary Simonton

    Treasurer: Mary Jo Schmitt

    New Info:

    ·         Box Tops for Education: Helen Hampton will be taking over this responsibility.

    ·         2 Parent Reps. Needed for School-Based Planning Team…. See Mr. Lincoln if interested.

    ·         Discussed ideas of upcoming events: – Everyone  will be returning  to the next meeting with contact information for event ideas.

    ·         Starting with:  Roberta  calling  Recycle Shop, Katherine  & Kelli calling Home Depot & Lowe’s. Mary Jo calling Terrace Gardens.