
  • Welcome Back to the 2023-24 School Year

    Parents, it's hard to believe but summer is almost over. Our "Welcome back" mailings should be arriving home mid-August. Please be sure to reach out to the school to update your home address. In order for accurate bussing to be available for the first day of school, all addresses must be updated by August 11th. 

    If you have any interest in volunteering at FLS this year, please reach out to our Home School Assistant: Mary Gray. 

    You can email at or call the school. 



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  • Phone / Email Request

    Help us stay in contact with you. If you have a new email or phone number, please call the school at 467-3131 so we can update our records. 

    Also, follow us on facebook, Twitter, and Youtube. Look for Franklin Campus @RCSDFranklin

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  • Interested in helping out at Franklin Lower?

    We are always looking for members for our PTO and we will be seeking nominations for PTO officers as well as parent reps for our school-based planning team.

    If you are interested in participating in either of these committees, please call Franklin Lower or email 

    PTO Officer Roles: 

    President: Preside at general meetings and Executive Committee meetings, serve as the official representative of the parent group, and retain all official records for the group.

    Vice President: Oversee the committee system of the parent group, assist the President, and chair meetings in the absence of the President.

    Secretary: Record and distribute minutes of all Executive Committee meetings and all general parent group meetings, prepare agendas for official meetings, and hold historical records for the group.

    Treasurer: Serve as custodian of the PTO's finances, collect revenue, pay authorized expenses, follow all financial policies, and hold all financial records


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