• Youth & Justice staff and the parents of the students participating in activities, services and programs funded by Title I, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Act (ESEA) (participating children), agree that this compact outlines how the parents, the entire school staff, and the students will share responsibility for improved student academic achievement by the means in which the school and parents will build and develop a partnership that will help children achieve the State’s high standards.


    This School/Parent/Student Compact is in effect during the 2023-24 school year.


    As a student, I will:

    • Read for at least 30 minutes, five days a week.
    • Come to class on time, prepared to participate and learn whether in-person or remote.
    • Utilize the time scheduled to complete my assignments and study.
    • Take responsibility for my own learning, which may involve seeking extra help.
    • Strive to meet school behavior, attendance, and academic expectations.
    • Talk regularly to my parents/guardians, teachers, and support staff about my progress in school.
    • Respect my family, my classmates, school staff, my school and myself.


    As a parent/guardian, I will:

    • Talk to my child regularly about the value of education.
    • Encourage my child to participate in school programming.
    • Ensure that my child consistently participates in all forms of learning and completes assigned work.
    • Support sites’ code of conduct policies.
    • Monitor my child’s progress in school.
    • Attend program events.
    • Participate in shared decision-making with site/program staff for the benefit of students.
    • Respect and collaborate with other members of the school community.


    As a teacher, I will:

    • Communicate high expectations for every student based on individual need.
    • Motivate students to learn and reach their full potential.
    • Teach and involve students in classes that are rigorous and engaging.
    • Participate in professional development aligned with district and school goals.
    • Communicate regularly with families and site staff about the instructional program and student’s progress in school.
    • Provide assistance to families that support their child in meeting individual learning goals.
    • Participate in shared decision-making with other school staff and families for the benefit of the students, either directly or indirectly.
    • Respect and collaborate with other members of the school community through a culturally responsive, trauma-informed lens, including restorative practices.


    As an administrator, I will:

    • Communicate high expectations for all members of the school community.
    • Motivate students to learn and reach their full potential.
    • Ensure that all students are involved in classes that are rigorous and engaging.
    • Provide professional development aligned with district and school goals.
    • Communicate regularly with families and staff about the instructional program and individual student progress.
    • Participate in shared decision-making with other school staff and families.
    • Provide a safe, orderly, and caring environment conducive to learning.
    • Respect and collaborate with school staff, students, and families through a culturally responsive, trauma-informed lens, including restorative practices, to ensure that all members of the school community carry out the responsibilities outlined in the school compact.


