• Our School Based Planning Team is responsible for:

    • Assessing student performance and school effectiveness

    • Developing a School Comprehensive Educational Plan (SCEP) that sets goals for school improvement

    • Monitoring the implementation of the SCEP

    • Reviewing and interpreting student data

    • Planning professional development to support the SCEP 

    The planning team is chaired by Principal Garrow. Our team is a deliberative, decision-making body that puts great focus on instruction, curriculum, and support for student learning.The team sets improvement goals and designs instruction and other services in the context of those goals. Our goal is to shape and strengthen the education provided to students and help lead them to the highest standards of achievement.

    We are always looking for parents to join our team! If interested, please call 585-235-1272 or e-mail us at 16info@rcsdk12.org  


    Our Team Members


    Lisa Garrow, Principal

    Rob Burns, Assistant Principal



    Christin Babcock


    Paraprofessionals & Teaching Assistants:

    Christopher Murray





    Courtney Smart

    Lauren Gauvin

    Kerry Hall

    Michele Michel 

    Lisa Oliver

    Jennifer Osborne

    Jill Francis

    Tracy Buttars


    BENTE (Non-Teaching):

     E. Mary Martinez - Clerk