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PreKindergarten & Early Childhood
George Mather Forbes School No. 4
John Williams School No. 5
OACES Office of Adult & Career Education Services
Virgil I. Grissom School No. 7
Roberto Clemente School No. 8
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. School No. 9
Anna Murray Douglass Academy School No. 12
The Children's School of Rochester No. 15
Dr. David & Ruth Anderson Academy No. 16
Enrico Fermi School No. 17
Dr. Charles T. Lunsford School No. 19
Abraham Lincoln School No. 22
Francis Parker School No. 23
Nathaniel Hawthorne School No. 25
Henry Hudson School No. 28
Audubon School No. 33
Ida B. Wells-Barnett Elementary School
Pinnacle School No. 35
Abelard Reynolds School No. 42
Mary McLeod Bethune School No. 45
Austin Steward Elementary School No. 46
Helen Barrett Montgomery School No. 50
Frank Fowler Dow School No. 52
Montessori Academy School No. 53
The Flower City School No. 54
World of Inquiry School No. 58
All City High
Early College International High School
East Upper & Lower Schools
Edison Career and Technology High School
Padilla High School at the Franklin Campus
James Monroe High School
Joseph C. Wilson Magnet High School
Northwest Middle School at Douglass Campus
Rochester International Academy
School of the Arts
School Without Walls Commencement Academy
Home / Hospital Instruction
Youth and Justice Programs
Department of Bilingual Education & World Languages
Special Education
School Library System
Student Support Services
Virtual Academy of Rochester
Summer Learning
Dr. Freddie Thomas Middle School
Andrew Langston Middle School
Loretta Johnson Middle School
Thurgood Marshall Middle School
Florence S. Brown PreK Center at School No. 33
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Assistant Principal
Hesford, Katie (Kindergarten)
Boyd, Susan (Strings)
Buonomo, Kimberly (Grade 4)
King, Danielle (Grade 2)
Clayton, Lisa (Grade 2)
English, Corynn (Art)
Goldberg, Robin (Grade 1)
Greer, Leroy (Physical Education)
Jinks, Michael (Grade 5)
Kamauf, Jaime (Kindergarten)
Williams-Hahn, Tammy (Universal Pre-K)
Kunzer, Gregory (Grade 5)
Carello, Caroline (Grade 3)
Fox, Ashley (Vocal & Instrumental Music)
Rothfuss, Jennifer (Librarian)
Lahoda, Gabrielle (Grade 1)
Passamonte, Cheril (Grade 3)
Swick, Joanne (Grade 3)
Thettu, Jennifer (Grade 4)
Klotz, Jamie (Grade 2)
Howland, Sheila (Grades 3rd/4th)
Elk, Syvanna (Grade 1)
Millet, Ashley (Kindergarten)
O'Hara, Megan (Grade 5)
Dean, Joshua (Grade 6)
Fose, Jeffery (Grade 4)
Clark, Jason (Grade 6)
Skye-Moore, Erin (6th Grade)
Marshall, Kimberly
Moulton, Steven (Grade 6)
Skye-Moore, Erin (Grade 6)
MacBay, Nicole (Guidance Counselor)
Thettu, Deepak/Amy, Mike (OT/PT)
Austin, Heidi (School Psychologist)
Lee, Meredith (Social Worker)
Sessa, Angela (LPN)
Goldberg, Stacia (Head Secretary)
Stam, Laura (Office Clerk III)
McKinney, Patricia (Parent Liaison)
Nesmith, Emmanuel (Head Custodian)
VanRemmen, Megan (Speech/Language)
Strait, Kristen (Speech)
McInerney, Kimberly (Instructional Coach)
Burton, Aprille (MATH Intervention Teacher)
Capuano, Jessamine (ENL)
Quattlebaum, Joanne (Paraprofessional)
Douglas, Michelle (Paraprofessional)
Smith, Kiari (Teacher Assistant - 3rd/4th Grade)
Ali, Jido (Assistant Custodian)
Benitez, Carmen (Cleaner)
Bacot, Nicole (1:1 Paraprofessional)
Swick, Joanne (ELA)
Sobers, Kathleen (Pre-K Paraprofessional)
Wolfe, Ginny (Pre-K Paraprofessional)
School-Based Planning
The School Based Planning Team
SBPT Meeting Minutes
SBPT Members
Nick Zona Track Meet
Open House
Project Based Learning (PBL) Events
Read-a-Thon Event
Scholastic Book Fair/Snuggle Up and Read
Sixth Grade Moving Up Ceremony
Sixth Grade Orientation
Spirit Week
Spring Concert
Stepping Into Kindergarten Event
Teacher Appreciation Week
Unity in Diversity Potluck Peace Dinner/Heritage Peace Dinner
Winter Concert
Winter Movie Night
Curriculum Night
Back to School Bash
Black History Month Celebrations
Character Parade
Half Day of School for Students
House Days
Kindergarten Orientation
Kindergarten Registration - School of Choice
Lion's Den
Moving Up Ceremonies
National Bike to School Day
Extracurricular Activities
Green Team
Event RSVP
Francis Parker Wizards
Library Home Page
PTA Documents
School Needs
PTA Information
How-To Videos and Information for Families and Students
Parent and Family Newsletters
Black History Month Celebrations
Page Navigation
A Night at the Museum: A Black History PBL Showcase 2023-2024
A Piece of Africa Celebration 2022-2023
A Piece of Africa Virtual Celebration 2021-2022
A Piece of Africa Virtual Celebration 2020-2021
Francis Parker School No. 23
A Piece of Africa Celebration 2022-2023
A Piece of Africa Celebration