ELA Curriculum
Our district uses uses the NYS Common Core Curriculum Modules Found on Engage NY. The full year of Grade 3 English Language Arts curriculum is available here.
Math Curriculum
We use the NYS Common Core Curriculum Found on Engage NY. All of our math lessons, classwork and homework can be found here.
Science Curriculum
Science learning in our classroom is primarily hands-on and inquiry based. It strongly aligns with our ELA and Math Learning. This integrated approach helps students make connection between content areas and delivers a deeper understanding of science content and its application to the world around them. Our work in science is supported by materials published by Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of the Educational and Professional Publishing Group of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Social Studies Curriculum
Our soicial studies curriculum emphasises communities around the world. We learn about people and places around the world and in our own community. Our social studies learning is strongly tied to our learning in ELA.