• For greater than eighteen years, The Theta Omicron Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc. has been "Friends of Education" as partners with Rochester City School District School #4.  Initially, a program was implemented entitled: Supervising, Training, Relating Ideas and Developing Excellence (Project S.T.R.I.D.E.) to assist with academic achevement and to offer a presence of African American males who have achieved levels of success beyond what most of the targeted audience sees on a routine basis.
    Over time, as social conditons have changed, so has the focus of the Saturday sessions.  As a result of a "Call To Action" by Rochester's immediate past Mayor, the focus of S.T.R.I.D.E. was revised.  The focus changed to developing social and behavioral skills. 
    On two Saturday's per month, chapter members, under the leadership of Bro. Joel Cummings meet with the students to deliver the agenda, which often includes collaberating with other professionals to deliver skills. One example is the anger management and conflict resolution modules that focus on managing one's own behavior.  Theta Omicron's basic premise is to teach the students they have power!  The power is in the choices that they make. They are taught there is positive reinforcement for good behavior and decisions and consequences for poor behavior and poor decisions.  In school activites are augmented by taking the kids on field trips where they can practice the skills they are taught. 
    In addition to receiving what is offered by Theta Omicron, the students are taught they too are responsible to support the community.
    Project S.T.R.I.D.E. hosts forty students in the program and are developing both male and female students.  Most activities are integrated, however, with the female staff volunteers, gender specific topics are also able to be delivered.
    **Registration forms are sent home at the beginning of the school year and is on a first come first   serve  basis.**