• Greetings Homo sapiens -
    We are very excited to be making a web page that you can use in your quest to be the best Living Environment student you can be!!!  Lots of good stuff will be posted on our website like copies of the homework assignments, a calendar of due dates and tests/quizzes, lots of cool biology facts, and fun clips - including the photosynthesis song!!!!
         Mrs. Gurell's Schedule                                   
    Period 1 - HB lab on Tuesday
    Period 2 - L.E. in Room 107
    Period 3 - L.E. in Room 107
    Period 4 - L.E. Lab (Mon./Tues.)
    Period 5 - L.E. in Room 309
    Period 6 - free - come see me for extra help!
    Period 7 - free - come see me for extra help!
    Period 8 - L.E. lab (Thurs./Fri.)
    Period 9 - L.E. in Room 107