Welcome to Interact Club!
The Interact club is part of the Rotary International Organization. This organization is worldwide. The Interact Club is housed at Rochester International Academy, also known as RIA. The members of the club are people from all around the world, such as Congo, Eritrea, Nepal, Somalia, Thailand, Vietnam and Yemen.
The Interact Club is doing a Service Project. We are planting sunflowers to sell to raise money. We are doing research to see which charity we will support with our donation.
We are also planting some vegetables in the green house at RIA. We are planting approximately 5,000 plants including cabbage, cauliflower, red peppers, leeks, eggplant, broccoli, and okra. The garden is for refugee community members and their families. They pay a small fee and have a plot. They are given plants and whatever they grow they can keep.