• At Roberto Clemente School 8, we adhere to strict procedures for visitors.  The goal is to promote building security, maintain a safe learning environment for students, and a safe working environment for all staff.  


    School Visitor Policy at Roberto Clemente School 8


    All visitors must use the buzzer system.  Buzzers are located on the main entrance (Saint Paul), and on the playground entrance (playground side) of the school. 

    NO students or adults will “let visitors in,” even if they know the person, or if it’s cold or raining outside. This will inform office staff that there is a visitor, and that they should expect that person to report to the office to sign in.

    This includes all employees.  Employees have ID badges that must be carried at all times.  If an employee forgets their badge, they must use the buzzer system to gain entry to the school. 

    Visitors must report to the main office immediately upon entering the school.  This includes parents who are dropping students off. 

    Parents will not be sent to classrooms without an appointment and/or permission from the teacher or the Principal. 

    This includes all the volunteers and helpers who work in our school.

    If a visitor does not report to the office, the secretarial staff calls an administrator or school safety officer immediately to find the person and bring them to the main office.

    All visitors must have business at the school, and all such business must be approved by the Principal or his/her designee. 
    Any person who visits the school visits only with the permission of the Principal. 
    Any person who visits the school must conduct themselves with respect and consideration for the learning environment.
    Any person who causes a disruption to the learning environment, or poses a threat to anyone in the building will leave the school grounds immediately as directed by the Principal.