• Roberto Clemente School No. 8
    1180 St. Paul Street 14621
    Pre-K through Grade 6
    Principal: Stephanie Thompson
    Parent Liaison: Nydia Sharpe
    The staff, students, and parents of Roberto Clemente School 8 promote unity by celebrating diversity in culture, knowledge and experience. Our school community and our partners work together with a common focus of doing what is best for students academically. We use data to identify areas in need of improvement and focus instruction on strengthening those areas. We believe that instilling HOPE in our students and striving for high standards will drive us to reach our fullest potential. 
    We are TEAM members not spectators.
    • All students have access to the Science Room for hands-on experiments, library enrichment and 1:1 technology.
    • Instruction is supported by before and after-school support from teachers, tutoring by volunteers, instructional specialists working with teachers, and the Compass Learning instructional technology program.
    • The Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) Group meets the last Thursday of each month. The Parent Room provides a comfortable place for parents to access community resources, learn about volunteer opportunities at school, and discuss their children's education.
    • Monthly family activities!
    • Student activities include Safety Patrol, Standard Bearers (U.S. flag), The Legends Basketball Team, School Store Helpers, Instrumental Music, and Choir.
    • Monthly student recognition/celebrations for positive behavior, quarterly Awards Assemblies.