Welcome to 5th Grade with Mrs.DeLorme!
Dear Parents and Students,
Welcome to the new school year!
By working with our 5
th grade team to reach common goals, I will support and encourage my students and we will all work together in a respectful and engaging learning environment. It is my greatest goal to create a family of learners where each student learns how to behave as a good citizen, both inside and outside the walls of the classroom.I am committed to holding high expectations for each student and will work diligently with them to reach success. I also view parents and families as another integral aspect to attaining this goal, so I look forward to getting to know all of you throughout the year.
In order to help support each student, I will provide challenging opportunities for them to learn and grow. This can be reinforced at home by talking with and helping your child, as well as with parental involvement in school. If you would like to contact me, email me at Angelique.delorme@rcsdk12.org. You can also reach me by calling the school. I will do my best to respond to your messages as promptly as possible.
I am positive that this year in 5
th grade will be an adventure that we will never forget!Sincerely,
Angelique DeLorme
Student Supplies Checklist
Bring these supplies on the first day of school:
___ Backpack ( no backpacks with wheels, please, since they will not fit in
the cubbies)
5 two-pocket folders- blue, green, red, yellow, purple___
5 wire bound spiral one-subject notebooks- blue, green, red, yellow, purple___ 1-2 erasers
___ 1 highlighter
___1-2 colored pens-red for correcting papers in class
___ Scissors
___1 small box of crayons
___ 1 small set of colored markers
___ White glue and glue stick
___ 2 boxes of tissues
___ A 1 1/2 "binder with loose leaf paper and multiple dividers (3 hole punch)
___ A ruler with centimeters and inches (not bendable)
___ 3" X 5" index cards
___ Post-It Notes
___ One composition book (Black and white speckled kind)
___ 2 reams of wide-ruled lined writing paper
Classroom Supply Needs
(These donations will be used to support our learning environment this year!)
1 box of No. 2 pencils or pencil top erasers from each student
Snack, sandwich, gallon, and quart sized Ziploc bags
2 boxes of Kleenex from each student
2 rolls of paper towels from each student
2 packages of wet wipes from each student
Boxes of Band-Aids
Hand Sanitizer
Anti-bacterial / Clorox Wipes