• School #33 Health Center
    teddy bear doctor and patient
    Contact the Health Center at 482-9290 ex 8110 
    School #33 offers a variety of services to assist with the health of the students. We offer School Nurses, a School Based Health Center and Dental Services (for part of the school year).
    School Nurses:
    • Handle minor illness.
    • Hand out perscribed medications to students.
    School Based Health Center:
    • Students can become a member (required for use)
      • Contact the Health Center for additonal information on becoming a member.
    • Provide basic Pediatric medical service for students.
    • Provide Counceling for students.
    Dental Services:
    • Provided by the Eastman Dental Center Smilemobile
    • Students receive applications at the beginning of the year.
    • Students are taken for dental cleanings and more advanced dental work.