7th Grade Poetry Project
Name ________________________ Date _______
Poetry Project Period_______
You will choose 5 types of poems from the list below. Your poems must share a common theme. For example, your poems may deal with the theme of friendship, music, sports, etc...
We will be compiling your work in a small book so you’re also expected to be creative and add artistic elements to your project. You may include your own drawings, pictures from magazines, etc…
Each poem will be worth 20 points.
- Limerick
- Diamante
- Haiku
- Concrete (Shape Poem)
- Narrative Poem
- Acrostic
- Lyrics
- Free Verse
__________________________________Limerick-- a limerick is a five-line poem with a swinging rhythm that tells a humorous story. Limericks rhyme in an AABBA pattern. Here are some examples of limericks:
Limerick Example
There once was a fellow named Tim (A)
whose dad never taught him to swim. (A)
He fell off a dock (B)
and sunk like a rock. (B)
And that was the end of him. (A) __________________________________
The purpose of the diamanté is to start with two totally different (sometimes opposite) subjects. You work from the first subject paced at the top of the poem to the second subject placed at the bottom of the poem.
line 1- one noun (subject #1)
line 2- two adjectives (describing subject#1)
line 3- three Participles (ending in -ing, telling about subject #1)
line 4- four nouns (first two related to subject #1, next two related to subject #2)
line 5- three Participles (ending in -ing, telling about subject #2)
line 6- two adjectives (describing subject#2)
line 7- one noun (subject #2)Diamanté Example
Happy, Friendly
Running, Jumping, Barking
Paws, Tails, Claws, Teeth
Hiding, Avoiding, Demanding
Snobby, Skittish
Haiku --This poem is made up of three lines only. The pattern of syllables goes like this:
five syllables
seven syllables
five syllablesHaiku Example
Moist gol/den sponge cake
Cream/y white fil/ling of joy
Boy I love twin/kies
__________________________________Concrete Poem-- A concrete poem is one that takes the shape of the object it describes.
Concrete Poem Example
Narrative Poem—tells a story in verse. Narrative poems usually have a plot, setting, conflict and characters.
Acrostic-- This kind of poem can be written in different ways, but the simplest form is to put the letters that spell your subject down the side of your page. When you have done this then you go back to each letter and think of a word , phrase or sentence that starts with that letter and describes your subject.
Acrostic Example
Hockey is my favorite sport
On the ice or street
Cool and fun
Keep on playing
Exercise and stronger
You should try __________________________________Lyrics—you can write your own song/rap lyrics. They can rhyme but they don’t have to.
Free Verse -- Free verse poetry is free from the normal rules of poetry. The poet may choose to include some rhyming words but the poem does not have to rhyme. A free verse poem may be just a sentence that is artistically laid out on the page or it can be pages of words.
Red Fox
As I slyly run down the path all you can see is a quick flash.
I have nine cubs in a litter when they're only young.
I guide their hunt.
Days go by.
Now it is their birthday.
I don't have to tear meat off the bone. - Limerick