"Never before has man had such a great capacity to control his own environment, to end hunger, poverty and disease, to banish illiteracy and human misery. We have the power to make the best generation of mankind in the history of the world."
- President John F. Kennedy
Volunteers are needed at Henry Hudson School No. 28! If you are interested, call the school office at (585)482-4836 and leave your name and the times that you would be available to volunteer. Parents and family members are needed to volunteer in a variety of places that may not include your child's classroom. The use of volunteers in the classroom is left to the judgement of the teacher.
Se necesitan voluntarios en la Escuela #28. Si esta interesado, llame a la oficina, deje su nombre y las horas disponibles que usted puede servir como voluntario. Hay una variedad de lugares en la escuela donde necesitamos voluntarios. Los maestros deciden si necesitan el servicio de voluntarios en el salón de clase. Si le interese el programa de voluntarios “3 for Me” (3 para mi), por favor llame al PTA al 482-4836.