Welcome to School Based Planning Team

  • Our SBPT is responsible for improving school productivity and assisting with our multi-year School Comprehensive Education Plan. The planning team, chaired by our principal, assesses student performance and school effectiveness, sets improvement goals, and designs instruction and other services in the context of those goals. Our team is a deliberative, decision-making body that puts great focus on instruction, curriculum, and support for student learning. Our goal is to shape and strengthen the education provided to students and help lead them to the highest standards of achievement.

    If you are interested in participating, please call the School’s main office today!

    School #42

    3330 Lake Avenue
    Rochester, NY 14621 
    Please join us! 

School Based Planning Team Members

Name Role Email
Lisa Whitlow Principal Lisa.Whitlow@rcsdk12.org
Vaughn Collins Assistant Principal Vaughn.Collins@rcsdk12.org
Wayne Phillips Teacher Wayne.Phillips@rcsdk12.org
Kristine Inguaggiato Teacher Kristine.Inguaggiato@RCSDK12.ORG
Jennifer Pardi Teacher Jennifer.Pardi@RCSDK12.ORG
Irene Fazio Teacher Irene.Fazio@RCSDK12.ORG
Lisa Kilinski Teacher lisa.kilinski@rcsdk12.org
Jennifer Barrett Teacher jennifer.barrett@rcsdk12.org
Rebecca Fulton Parent Rebecca.fulton@gmail.com
Katrina Zimmerman Parent kditucci@hotmail.com
Valerie Penna Parent vpenna@hotmail.com
Barbara Driskell RAP member Barbara.Driskell@rcsdk12.org
E'Shantee Manley Teacher e'shantee.manley@rcsdk12.org

School Based Planning Team Minutes