• PTO Logo  

    School #52 PTO (Parent Teacher Organization)




    What is PTO?

    PTO is our parent/teacher organization.  It is a group of active parents and teachers working together to help our students excel and succeed.  We have monthly meetings, host events, and fund-raising for different school-based activities.  We offer a forum for families and staff to meet and communicate about how we can best help our kids and our school as a whole.  This path of open communication increases morale, support and all-around school satisfaction.

    How Can I Help?

    You can help by joining PTO.  This way you can attend meetings, help plan and put on events, and stay involved with what is happening within our school.

    What if I Can’t Attend Regular PTO Meetings?

    You can still be involved!  By joining PTO, you are automatically added to our email distribution list.  This is a great way to stay informed.  You can also still help with events and fundraisers.  Plenty goes on outside of regular meetings; there will be ample opportunity to participate if you wish to support our students and staff!

    How Do I Contact PTO?

    To join the PTO email list or to contact the PTO with questions, please email rcsdschool52@gmail.com and provide your name, your child's name, and your child's grade along with your message. You can also find us on facebook at https://www.facebook.com/groups/school52PTO/

    2020-21 PTO Meeting Dates

    At this time, all PTO meetings will be virtual, and Zoom links will be sent out prior to each meeting through the PTO email distribution list. Stay tuned for more details!

    We look forward to welcoming you to our #52 family.